4 November 2024 we officially started the Metramat DN project with our opening Metramat Symposium. We welcomed international researchers, PhD candidates, partners, and industry and listened to great talks of scholars in the field of Meta materials to learn their view on the current state of research.
A big thanks goes to our speakers:
Richard Craster, Luca Sangiuliano, Sara Barherifard, Gabriele Gattere, Cristian Cassella, and Michael Leamy, and present beneficiaries Valentina Zega, Brecht Van Hooreweder, Nima Razavi, and Trudi Sonderkamp
This was the first live gathering of the Metramat Consortium and it was great meeting you in real live. Metramat’s DCs stayed in Eindhoven for several days for their training on their path to become great researchers. They were being trained on several subjects by Vanessa Cool, Claus Claeys Elke Deckers, Michael Leamy, Varvara Kouznetsova, Ondřej Rokoš,
As promised we’ll organise a closing event in three years from now to share all findings from the Metramat DN project and you are all invite then! Until then, stay tuned and follow us via our socials, linkedin, and website.
To conclude I would like to thank all participants for being there and making this event a success!